494Thursday, April 3, 2003

4:15 PM-5:15 PMConvention Center:201A
NASPE/National Intramural Sports Council
CDC Funds Innovative School, After-School, and Community Youth Physical Activity Programs
In 2001-2002, CDC funded 70 state and local education agencies to implement programs to promote physical activity among pre-teens. With a modest amount of funding, these agencies partnered with organizations and universities in their states and communities (some with their state AHPERDs) to develop and implement innovative school, after-school, and community programs that support CDC's National Youth Media Campaign. At this session you will hear about activities that can be duplicated in your school and community, and you may get just the idea you need to apply for a PEP grant!.
Keyword(s): community-based programs, middle school issues, physical activity
Speakers: Charlene R. Burgeson and Howell Wechsler, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

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