220Wednesday, April 2, 2003

10:45 AM-12:00 PMConvention Center:203AB
NASPE/Sport History Academy
Passing the Torch: Brookes, Coubertin, and Differing Approaches to Reviving the Modern Olympic Games
Although Pierre de Coubertin is widely recognized as the founder of the Modern Olympics, Dr. William Penny Brookes deserves similar recognition. Brookes, “The Father of Physical Education” in England, was a distinguished physician, a social activist, and the founder of the Wenlock Olympian Society. Brookes greatly influenced Coubertin in becoming the “renovator” of the Modern Olympics. While both men committed themselves to reviving the ancient Olympic games, they utilized very different methods in order to achieve their goal. These differing methods, and the resulting degree of success for each man, are discussed in the present paper.
Keyword(s): olympic related
Speaker: Sean P Sullivan, Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, KY

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