826Saturday, April 5, 2003

2:30 PM-3:45 PMConvention Center:103C
NASPE/Motor Development Academy
Utilizing Different Sensory Modalities Through the Use of Technology to Assist Skill Acquisition
Modern electronic technologies can provide teachers and coaches wonderful opportunities for demonstrating skills and providing feedback to learners in a number of different ways. For optimal learning, the more sensory modalities teachers and coaches can utilize, the more effective the practice environment can be. This session will offer examples of how technology can be used to provide valuable information to a learner concerning various sensory systems, including vision, audition, and kinesthesis. Active participation, demonstrations, and discussions will be incorporated to explain the utilization of various sensory modalities in applied settings.
Keyword(s): performance, physical activity, technology
Presider: Linda Bunker, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Speakers: Brian H. Jackson, Lin Wang, Melissa Hunfalvay and Jeffrey M. Hartman, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

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