791Saturday, April 5, 2003

11:45 AM-12:45 PMConvention Center:109AB
NASPE/Coaches Council
Are You Hurt or Injured? What Coaches Can Do
“Go hard or go home!”, “Give 110%!”, “No pain, no gain!” These are slogans coaches often use to motivate athletes. In this day and age when winning often takes precedence over physical and psychological well-being of participants; athletes are often hesitant to reveal injuries for fear of letting teammates and coaches down. While it is important that coaches demand hard work and intensity from athletes, they must also reinforce the need to recognize and accept injuries. This session will attempt to provide coaches on all levels with intervention strategies for helping their athletes prevent and/or cope with injury.
Keyword(s): athletics/sports, coaching, safety/injury prevention
Speakers: Jeffery D Hoffman and Kimberly E. Tower, Springfield College, Chicopee, MA

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