291Wednesday, April 2, 2003

3:00 PM-5:00 PMConvention Center:108B
Sabar and Survival in Senegal
This session will help participants to understand links between the traditional role of African dance, and dance in contemporary Senegal. After a half hour slide presentation and discussion, we will learn movements based on a dance called La Liberté. Women in West Africa ran out of their huts and did this dance to celebrate the ending of slavery. We will dedicate it to the approximately eight million children who are still enslaved around the world today. Participants will leave with handouts outlining both the lecture and the dance, so that they can bring this material back to their own students.
Keyword(s): dance education, multiculturalism/cultural diversity, participatory
Speaker: Suzan Moss, Bronx Community College, Piermont, NY

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