615Friday, April 4, 2003

10:15 AM-12:15 PMConvention Center:113C
NASPE/Motor Development Academy
Purpose Makes Practice: Understanding the Unique Properties of Practicing for Performance and Practicing for Skill
Among the most frustrating occurrences for athletes and coaches is the inability to successfully transfer the skills learned at practice to actual competition. Research in the field of motor learning has provided great insights into the specific adaptations resulting from various forms of practice (i.e. blocked, random, and variable). This presentation will provide an applied perspective of how to implement principles of motor learning to organize effective and purposeful practice sessions. Among the topics to be addressed will be; how to create realistic simulation conditions, practicing trust, developing greater kinesthetic awareness, and integrating mental skills into practice.
Keyword(s): athletics/sports, coaching, performance
Speaker: Kevin Lee Sverduk, University of Northern Colorado, Eugene, OR

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