328Thursday, April 3, 2003

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:201C
How "If-Then" Statements Can Help Novice Teachers Handle the Unexpected
You can’t use the gym for class. The boom box doesn’t work. Little Johnny throws up in the middle of the gym. Unexpected events like these are quite common. Preservice and beginning teachers often have a hard time dealing with unexpected events. “If-then” statements are contingency plans that can help novice teachers remain calm in the midst of unexpected situations and handle them appropriately. The objectives of this session are threefold: (1) to describe a three-step process in developing and practicing “if-then” statements; (2) to provide examples of actual “if-then” statements developed by pre-service teachers; and (3) to give the audience the opportunity to develop their own “if-then” statements.
Keyword(s): professional preparation
Speakers: Bonnie Tjeerdsma Blankenship and Terry Walker, Georgia State University, Dunwoody, GA

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