355Thursday, April 3, 2003

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:113C
Equity in the Gymnasium: Fine Tuning One's Co-educational Physical Education Program
For decades Title IX has included a requirement that most physical education classes must be coeducational. The law's requirement has not always meant successful, frustration-free compliance. This session will focus on the techniques, strategies, and tools gleaned from practitioners who have discovered successful methods for building positive learning experiences for both males and females in their coeducational physical education programs. Tools for evaluating one's program and specific suggestions for bulletin boards, curriculum, feedback, elective offerings,inclusive language, and rules for behavior and games will be shared.
Keyword(s): gender issues, high school issues, student issues
Speakers: Penny Portman, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI; and Sue Nelson, Nashoba Brooks School, Concord, MA

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