557Friday, April 4, 2003

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:113A
NASPE/College and University Physical Education Council
The Amazingly True Adventures of a First Year - Tenure Track - Probationary Faculty Member: Survival Tips and Mentoring Strategies
In every educator’s life there is that first year: A time that can either make or break a young professional. For some, the experience is quite uneventful and painless, for others the journey can be a true test of intestinal fortitude. This program will offer helpful hints on how to survive the first year of teaching and offer suggestions to those mentoring first year educators. Using first-hand accounts (both tragic and humorous), the presenter will outline five strategies that can help the first year educator and her/his mentors, survive and thrive amidst the demands of teaching, scholarly activity, and service.
Keyword(s): leadership development, professional development, professional preparation
Facilitator: Beez Schell, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA
Speaker: Beez Schell, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA

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