750Saturday, April 5, 2003

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:103B
NASPE/Sport Psychology Academy
Motivating Students in Physical Education: From Theory to Practice
Motivating students is a primary concern of many physical education teachers. In sport psychology, several theories of motivation exist and have been supported by research that can greatly help teachers enhance student motivation. In this session, the following motivational theories will be explained: goal orientation, competence motivation, attribution, and personal-situational interest. Along with related theoretical constructs, real-life examples of how each motivational construct is being utilized by actual physical education teachers will be given. In addition, participants will be encouraged to brainstorm ideas for putting the theoretical ideas into action.
Keyword(s): student issues
Speaker: Bonnie Tjeerdsma Blankenship, Georgia State University, Dunwoody, GA

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