820Saturday, April 5, 2003

2:30 PM-3:45 PMConvention Center:107AB
AAHE/School K-12
Death, Dying and Bereavement Education
Participants will examine and discuss concepts and strategies for inclusion in a death, dying and bereavement curriculum, unit, course and/or lesson(s) in order to meet the needs of both secondary and college students. Some information will be adaptable to the elementary level. Using discussion and an experiential approach the philosophy, content and various methods for death, dying and bereavement education will be explored. In addition, participants will be able to share their thoughts, perspectives, and experiences for teaching this sensitive topic. References and resources for establishing and/or enhancing a course in death, dying and bereavement will be distributed.
Keyword(s): professional preparation
Presider: Edith Ellis, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Speakers: Stanley Snegroff, Shannon Whalen and Emilia Patricia Zarco, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY

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