747Saturday, April 13, 2002

7:30 AM-8:30 AMSan Diego Convention Center:Ballroom 6C
NASPE/National Council of Athletic Training
Using Stability Ball Exercises In K-12 Physical Education Programs
The use of stability ball exercises has increased. Their focus is to incorporate the core muscles into various exercises. Core muscles have become an important focus because they are found to play an integral role in almost every sport activity. Participants will be provided with a hands-on experience of progressions of stability ball exercises developmentally appropriate for K-12 students. Participants will be able to recognize several stability ball exercises for each muscle group and arrange these exercises in a progression from easy to challenging. Participants will also learn strategies for implementing stability ball exercises into different types of fitness lessons.
Keyword(s): elementary education, exercise/fitness
Speakers: Pablo Gallego and Jim Rauschenbach, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

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