486Thursday, April 11, 2002

2:45 PM-4:00 PMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 14B
Breaking Down Barriers between Colleges and the Community
Colleges and universities located in residential communities are often viewed as "communities within communities" and operate as such. These wonderfully resourceful institutions sometimes operate in a vacuum, but often require the support of the surrounding community resources. Learn from panelists how partnerships can be developed and nurtured to enhance community and campus recreation programs and find out how some communities partnered to share resources and developed outstanding relationships. Pooling resources can create a win/win situation and can be the key to success during times of limited funding.
Keyword(s): administration/mgmt, community-based programs, recreation programming
Panelists: Ruthie Kucharewski, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH; Marcia Matanin, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH; and Keith Cosby, Valerie Elementary School, Dayton, OH

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