615Friday, March 30, 2001

10:30 AM-11:45 AM
OTHER/National Health and Fitness Association
Colloquim: Pioneers in Futuristic Perspective A Reflection on Professional Legends of the Past
Over time, we tend to forget the major contributions and impact of leaders of the past. This assembly program will be devoted to a few of the most influential African Americans of the past in the fields of health, physical education, recreation, dance, sport and athletics. One icon from each field will be briefly profiled by guest presenters. Supplemental information will be available in the exhibit area of the assembly room. Attendees are challenged to participate in the extended Q & A segment. Awards: Bob Kirk Award For Excellence Recipient: Melvin Evans Professor and Head, Department of HPER, Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi
Keyword(s): . NA
Speaker: Lucias Mitchell, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA

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