785Saturday, March 31, 2001

10:15 AM-11:30 AM
Challenge Students to Go Beyond – Critical Thinking in Physical Education
Participants in this session will be involved in activities designed to promote critical thinking in middle and high school physical education. Participants will also be familiarized with the 1) definition of critical thinking as it applies to physical education; 2) value of infusing critical thinking into the physical education program; 3) how to design lessons to foster critical thinking; and 4) how infusing critical thinking addresses NASPE Content Standard #2.
Keyword(s): high school issues, middle school issues, physical activity
Presider: Monica Lepore, West Chester University, West Chester, PA
Speakers: Fran Cleland, West Chester University, West Chester, PA; and Ron McBride, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

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