336Thursday, March 29, 2001

7:30 AM-8:30 AM
Amelia Bloomer: Fashion or Function?
Much of our history lies in the implements we use and the clothing we wear. To observe the changes in sport attire leads one to ask the question, "Did sport attire evolve because of participation in active leisure pursuits or did participation lead to the need for more comfortable, active clothing"? If it were not for the boldness of women such as Amelia Jenks Bloomer, woman may have had to wait much longer to enjoy physical activities that we take for granted today. The reform of women’s dress will be demonstrated from the mid 1880’s to present day and relate attire to the changing role of women in physical activity.
Keyword(s): athletics/sports, physical activity
Presider: Eddie Bedford, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
Speaker: Mary-Margaret McHugh, , Normal, IL

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