239Wednesday, March 28, 2001

12:15 PM-1:15 PM
NASPE/Exercise Physiology Academy
Try This Dose of Medicine
Need a little variety in developing muscular strength and flexibility? Medicine balls can provide a way to have fun and fitness at the same time. Participants will be able to choose the weight medicine ball for their individual ability levels. Activities designed for individual and partner interaction will address methods of devloping strength, flexibility and range of motion with the convenience and versatility of a medicine ball where all sizes are constant, just the weight varies. Plyometric activity stretches and increases the potential of muscle fiber, improving contraction response time with speed and strength, thus providing more power. From sports-oriented skills to toning and strength, these techniques will spark the interest level of all participants and challenge them to move to the next level of difficulty to achieve success.
Keyword(s): exercise/fitness, participatory, physical activity
Presider: Billy Gober, Sportime, Atlanta, GA
Speaker: Cindy Fulwider Gober, Johnson City, TN

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