542Friday, March 30, 2001

7:30 AM-8:30 AM
NASPE/Youth Sports Coalition
SPORTS PREP: Preseason Recreation and Exercise for Preteens
In a growing number of cases it seems that children who enter sport programs are ill-prepared for the demands of sports training and competition. While the total elimination of youth sport injuries is an unrealistic goal, well-designed preseason conditioning programs for young athletes can enhance selected measures of physical fitness, develop a sense of self-confidence and increase resistance to sports-related injuries. In this lecture the potential value of preseason conditioning programs for aspiring young athletes will be discussed and specific program design considerations for children will be highlighted.
Keyword(s): athletics/sports, safety/injury prevention, youth sports
Presider: Greg Dale, Duke University, Durham, NC
Speaker: Avery Faigenbaum, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA

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