236Wednesday, March 28, 2001

12:15 PM-1:15 PM
NASPE/Sport History Academy
John Harvey Kellogg, MD: Pioneer of Cornflakes and Wellness
In addition to his connection with Cornflakes, John Harvey Kellogg was also a health reformer. As medical director of the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Michigan from 1876 to 1924, he developed the sanitarium into one of the leading health institutions in the world. A strong advocate of the therapeutic values of exercise, Kellogg suggested a program that would aid digestion, control obesity, and would be a tonic for the mind and nervous system. This presentation will be an illustrated history of the exercise program and exercise apparatus developed and used by Kellogg.
Keyword(s): wellness/disease prevention
Presider: Robert Thomas, Atlantic Union College, South Lancaster, MA
Speaker: Walter Hamerloguh, La Sierra University, Riverside, CA

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