605Friday, March 30, 2001

10:15 AM-12:15 PM
NASPE/National Council of Athletic Training
Kick Ash! Tobacco and Youth Sports–CDC’s Healthy Lifestyle Initiative
The first part of this presentation will give an overview of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s initiative aimed to increase physical activity and sports participation as a positive and healthy alternative to tobacco use among youth. This initiative aims to reach teachers, coaches, school administrators, parents, and youth --- our main target audiences, through partnerships with both private and public organizations, such as AAHPERD/NASPE and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. The second half of this presentation will address the increased demands on student athletes and the health care professionals providing medical coverage to them, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association collected and analyzed injury information and then created a set of recommendations and guidelines that allow institutions to determine an appropriate amount of medical coverage for their athletes.
Keyword(s): disease prevention, health promotion, wellness/disease prevention
Presider: Randy Deere, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY
Speakers: Katy Curran and Susan Giarrantano-Russell, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA; and Dennis Miller, Sandra Schultz and Dale Rudd, NATA, Dallas, TX

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