302Wednesday, March 28, 2001

3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Developing National Standards for Undergraduate Motor Development Courses
Motor development is a common course in the undergraduate curriculum. Faculty are often asked to teach motor development, despite limited professional preparation. The intent of this session is to develop a set of standards and objectives for undergraduate motor development courses. Leading motor development researchers and authors of motor development text-books will be present for this session and share some of their syllabi. All participants will be involved in the development of these standards and will be provided with a follow-up summary of what was developed. We encourage undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty from a wide variety of universities to attend this session and participate in the development of these national standards.
Keyword(s): college level issues, standards and ethics
Presiders: Jane Clark, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; Jackie Goodway, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; and Mary Rudisill, Auburn University, Auburn, AL

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