747Saturday, March 31, 2001

8:45 AM-10:00 AM
AAALF/Physical Fitness Council
On “The Ball” For Fitness: Youth And Adults
Participants will learn cardiovascular, strength, flexibility and balance activities on the Swiss Ball. These vinyl air-filled balls, originally for physical therapy, are an excellent medium for fitness development and have been used with beginning athletes to elite athletes such as the USA Ski Team. This participation session will focus on the unique fitness exercises done on the Swiss Ball. Progressive levels of the exercises, suitable for middle level students, high school students, and adults will be taught so that beginners to advanced fitness participants will benefit.
Keyword(s): curriculum development, exercise/fitness, wellness/disease prevention
Presider: Jody Clasey, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Speaker: Linda E. Kelly, Bear Creek Elementary School, Boulder, CO

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