790Saturday, March 31, 2001

10:15 AM-11:30 AM
NASPE/Council of Physical Education for Children
Violence Protection: A Games Approach
Nothing is getting more attention in the media today than child abuse and violence among children and youth. Physical education has a golden opportunity to contribute to the solution of this problem. This program will present a five stage model of protection from violence (awareness, avoidance, prevention, physical action and follow through) and a number of games that teach the concepts and skills of each stage. To the children, the games are fun. However, there is an important message in each one. To assure that this comes across, a short "debriefing" discussion is conducted at the end of each activity. Demonstration, audience participation and handouts will enable you to add this relevant unit to your curriculum at the elementary and middle school level.
Keyword(s): participatory, safety/injury prevention, violence/prevention
Presider: Tom Evaul, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Speakers: Ray Rothbardt, Carol Boland and Bol Lyerly, Philadelphia School District, Philadelphia, PA; Chuck Duncan, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA; and Joanne Dusel, Towson University, Towson, MD

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