368Thursday, March 29, 2001

8:45 AM-10:00 AM
NASPE/Council of Physical Education for Children
COPEC Day: Motivating Youngsters to Practice Motor Skills with the P.E. Central Challenge
The PE Central Challenge is an exciting and innovative motor skills challenge designed for 4th & 5th grade youngsters. Thousands of students in physical education classes around the World have earned free bronze, silver, and gold pins to recognize their achievements in this program. This session will describe how the Challenge works, show how teachers can involve their students, share data about current and past Challenges, and lastly, attendees will actively participate in the Challenges that form the PE Central Challenge.
Keyword(s): elementary education, participatory, physical activity
Presider: Eloise Elliot, Concord College, Athens, WV
Speakers: George Graham, Steve Palmer and Craig Tackla, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

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