411Thursday, March 29, 2001

11:00 AM-1:00 PM
NASPE/Council of Physical Education for Children
COPEC Day: Where Art Thou, Rubric? Assessment How-To’s in Elementary Physical Education and Wellness
Assessment does not have to be the ill-fated component of teaching we sometimes think it to be. This session seeks to provide practitioners with a basic understanding of the "3 P's " of alternative assessment - portfolio, product & performance tasks - and how these "look" and "work" in our real-world settings. Activities and assessment tasks actually used with children will be utilized so participants can gain a sense of "how-to" develop, implement, and score tasks in their own settings. Strategies for administering, recording, managing and utilizing assessment data will also be presented.
Keyword(s): assessment, elementary education, participatory
Speakers: Christine J. Hopple and Yvonne Stephens, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY; and Larry Satchwell, Gwinnet County Public Schools, GA

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