564Friday, March 30, 2001

8:45 AM-10:00 AM
AAALF/College and University Administrators Council
Identifying Personality Characteristics of Emerging College-aged Leaders
Emerging leader behaviors are of continuing interest to organizations and their stakeholders. This presentation will include empirical data for two samples of emerging leaders. The data indicates that subjects who self-select into leadership oriented activities exhibit personality behaviors that are significantly different from normative data. Subjects also exhibited significant changes in certain personality subscale scores before and after the seven-week leadership experience. The researchers concluded that the differences in personality characteristics may be indicative of emerging leaders and that participation in a challenging, physical activity impacts personality characteristics and therefore leader behaviors.
Keyword(s): advocacy, athletics/sports, leadership development
Speakers: Whitfield B. East and Maureen LeBoeuf, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY

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