801Saturday, March 31, 2001

12:30 PM-1:30 PM
AAALF/Adapted Physical Activity Council
Motor Skill Development of Children with Down Syndrome
Children with disabilities demonstrate improvement through physical fitness and motor development when parents help to meet the physical education objectives outside of school. Teachers can collaborate with parents and help them assume a greater role in the development of their children’s motor development and self esteem by implementing home activity programs. Participants will learn how to help parents identify and classify the different stages of their child’s motor development; select appropriate motor activities; provide a stimulating movement environment in the home; select and implement critical teaching cues; and provide an adequate amount of time for motor skills learning to occur.
Keyword(s): adapted physical activity, assessment, research
Presider: Steve Downs, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Speaker: John Passarini, Wayland Middle School; APAC Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year, Wayland, MA

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