363Thursday, March 29, 2001

8:45 AM-10:00 AM
AALR Plenary Session: Underground Railroad, a National Millennium Trail
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and U.S. Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater designated The Underground Railroad National Millennium Trail in 1999. The Underground Railroad refers to a multitude of routes to freedom that were taken by fugitive enslaved African Americans who were aided by a network of people, including white and black abolitionists, the enslaved African Americans, American Indians, and members of various religious groups. This plenary session and the second workshop on inclusiveness (11:30 a.m. on 3/29) will feature experts on the subject of the Underground Railroad. These sessions will provide an especially rewarding background for those who will be taking the AALR tour of the Underground Railroad National Millennium Trail in the river town of Ripley, Ohio on Friday, March 30.
Keyword(s): outdoor ed/recreation
Presider: Kathleen Cordes, AAHPERD, Reston, VA
Speakers: Carl Westmoreland, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati, OH; Ann Hagedorn Auerbach, Author, Author, OH; and Betty D. Campbell, John Parker Freedom Conductor Award recipient, Ripley, OH
Plans for the new National Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati
Carl Westmoreland, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati, OH
The Underground Railroad in Ripley
Betty D. Campbell, Journalist, Ripley, OH
The Underground Railroad in Ohio
Ann Hagedorn Auerbach, Author, OH

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