599Friday, March 30, 2001

10:15 AM-12:15 PM
AAHE/School K-12
Turning Heads of Superintendents and School Boards: Health Program Advocacy
These are testy times! Advocacy for comprehensive, coordinated health and physical education programs is needed now more than ever in these days of preoccupation with academic standards, accountability and high stakes testing. How can we effectively make our case for health as instrumental, not incidental, to academic achievement and life success? How can we articulate our concerns about risky youth behaviors and choices in such a way that the policy-makers’ ears, eyes, hearts, and minds are opened to the needs? This session will focus on perspectives and strategies that have worked in convincing superintendents and school board members of the importance of health.
Keyword(s): advocacy
Presider: Lucy Stroble, University of Maine, Presque Isle, ME
Speaker: Jacquelyn G. Sowers, Sowers Associates, Hampton, NH

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