820Saturday, March 31, 2001

1:45 PM-3:00 PM
LATEBREAKING Tobacco Settlement Money: What’s Happening Across the Nation
This late breaking session will provide an overview of the national report that highlights ways the tobacco settlement money has been expended in states across the nation, with an emphasis on tobacco prevention. Specific information regarding the use of the funds in the states of Washington and Kansas will be presented.
Keyword(s): community-based programs, national issues
Presider: Dennis Kamholtz, University of Maine, Farmington, ME
Facilitator: Bill Datema, SSDHPER, Reston, VA
Speakers: Melissa Alburqueque, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA; Pam Tollefsen, Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia, WA; and Darrel Lang, Kansas Department of Education, Topeka, KS

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