732Saturday, March 31, 2001

7:30 AM-8:30 AM
NASPE/Biomechanics Academy
Design and Function of the Human Body-Biomechanics of Movement
Introducing the Egoscue Method, a revolutionary new method of returning to health by rediscovering the design and function of the body. This method is done through assessing static posture and gait patterns, then providing easy to do, highly effective exercises that restore movement potential and alignment. The body becomes revitalized and rejuvenated allowing all the key elements of sports, co-ordination, balance, speed, agility, endurance and power to increase.
Keyword(s): wellness/disease prevention
Presider: Darla Smith, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX
Speaker: Mackie Boblette, The Egoscue Method, San Diego, CA

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